The world is already experiencing the impact of 1°C of global warming. It is behind recent widespread deadly weather disasters – storms, droughts, floods, heatwaves and wildfires. It is already damaging the supply of food across the planet.
The world’s leading climate scientists have warned that the impacts beyond 1.5°C of global warming could be catastrophic, in a 2018 report for the UN’s Panel on Climate Change. Sir David Attenborough told the UN that global warming is “a crisis for life on Earth”.
Scientists suggest that there may be critical thresholds for abrupt and far-reaching changes in the climate system – in ocean circulation, the melting of the arctic sea ice, the antarctic ice sheet and the Greenland ice sheet. We need to prevent these thresholds being reached.
The UN report states that carbon emissions need to drop by 45% by 2030 for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5°C.
We are the last generation that can change the course of climate change. We have a unique responsibility to our children and grandchildren.
See our 6-point plan below for individual actions.
Read our 6-point plan to influence policy makers.
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Our 6-point plan to lower our own emissions towards the sustainable level of 2 tonnes per person. These actions could make a big difference. Get in touch if you need help: