
Studies across the UK and Europe show between 30 and 50% of homes and buildings have signs of damp or mould. Alton is likely to be worse because of the amount of ‘wind-driven rain’. It penetrates through walls into our homes.

A quarter of all asthma cases are due to the toxins from mould. It also worsens the symptoms in half of those who already have asthma. This and other breathing problems can be particularly severe for children and the elderly. Plus, those who are vulnerable, perhaps just out of hospital or on chemotherapy, are more prone to infections. Mould can also trigger other problems, like fungal infections.

The toxins mainly affect those who are ‘allergic’ to other things. They may have eczema or hay fever. The toxins circulate in the air and can also be transferred by touch.

If you see signs of damp in your home, contact us for further information or a free home visit.

Additional Resources:

CSE Condensation Damp & Mould Advice Leaflet.

We also have a number of fact sheets on damp which can be found through these links:

Keeping a Home Dry
Rising damp
Penetrating damp
Damp in insulation layer (Interstitial damp)
Surface condensation (due to insufficient heating)
Surface condensation (due to bridging of insulation)