Energise South Downs delivered a Future Energy Landscapes workshop in Alton on
15 May which gave participants an opportunity to consider what Alton’s local energy
needs are, what aspects of their local community and landscape are particularly
important to them, and what mix of renewable technologies might be appropriate and
acceptable in Alton.
Drawing on data and research, the workshop explored what might be feasible and created space for an informed, balanced conversation about what the community felt is acceptable – you can read the full workshop report here.
It’s important that people who weren’t at the workshop are also able to give their views on renewable energy in Alton. You can do this by completing a survey here – which should only take a few minutes.
The aim of the workshop, the follow up report and survey is to demonstrate that it is possible to develop a local vision for sustainable energy that is acceptable to the local community, and to use this as a springboard for project and policy development.