March 2016 AGM – Looking to the future

An open evening for our members followed Energy Alton’s Annual General Meeting on 16 March 2016. They had lots of really good ideas about how the organisation might develop further … we will be considering these and will come back to the membership with our future plans, in the coming months.

At the AGM, Haydn Chappell and John Hubbard gave a brief overview of our current projects, details of which can be found on our website, for example the feasiblity study into Solar PV on the roofs of Alton’s schools and colleges; heat mapping; thermal imaging; and fuel poverty. We also reviewed our public meetings for the past year, which have covered a wide range of important topics, including damp, mould and condensation; solar thermal and heat pumps; adapting to climate change and low carbon-living.


Haydn Chappell (left, above) stepped down as Chair of Energy Alton, after 4 years which have seen much development and major projects. John Hubbard (right, above) has taken over as chair – he has been an active director for several years.