Struggling to keep warm this winter? Seek help from Hitting the Cold Spots

An estimated 7 per cent, or over 600 households, in the Alton Town Council area are considered to be fuel poor – unable to afford to heat their homes adequately.

Community group Energy Alton and Hampshire County Council urge anyone who needs help to keep warm  to contact the Hitting the Cold Spots Service on Freephone 0800 804 8601 or email for free advice.

Sheryll Mondey, Advisor, Hitting the Cold Spots project at the Environment Centre, described the impact of fuel poverty and the help available at a public meeting held by Energy Alton at the Community Centre in November.

Sheryll said that 40 per cent of vulnerable households are faced with the stark choice of heating or eating.  Cold homes are currently a bigger killer than road accidents, alcohol or drug abuse.   Vulnerable people living in homes with bedroom temperatures of 15°C or less are more likely to suffer mental health problems, respiratory disease, heart problems and strokes.  If the temperature falls to 9°C there is a risk of hypothermia.

Hitting the Cold Spots (HTCS) is now in its sixth year.  The Freephone advice line is available to anyone interested in energy efficiency, saving money and keeping warm and well.  For those at greater risk from cold weather, free face-to-face support from home visits is on offer, including practical support with:

  • emergency heating
  • access to funding for heating and hot water system repairs or replacements
  • assistance to switch energy provider or tariff
  • practical advice on energy efficiency

Sheryll Mondey gave examples of feedback from grateful clients who had been able to save money, improve their heating and their health.

Sheryll also urged people who are eligible (pensioners, disabled people, people with chronic health conditions or with a visual or hearing impairment) to join the Priority Services Register of their energy supplier.  Suppliers are required to offer extra help and support with their energy supply to these groups.

The Lions Club of Alton is running its fourth annual Wenceslas Campaign to cut fuel poverty by inviting people who receive but don’t need the Government’s Winter Fuel Payment to consider donating it to The Lions to help people in fuel poverty – call 0845 833 2701 or visit htttp://

The Hitting the Cold Spots Team can help with:

  • A home visit from a Hitting the Cold Spots adviser offering practical support and advice
  • Support through the provision of alternative heating (electric oil filled radiators) if you are without heating
  • Access to funding where available for boiler repairs and replacements

For further information about Hitting the Cold Spots go to

For Sheryll Mondey’s presentation on Hitting the Cold Spots to Energy Alton’s public meeting, click here HTCS Presentation to Energy Alton – 16 November 2016 HF