Grow Your Tenner for Energy Alton!

This year for the first time Energy Alton is taking part in Localgiving’s Grow Your Tenner match fund campaign

This means that, from 10am on the 11th December 2018 direct debit donations set up through our Localgiving page will be matched by up to £10!  The matched funding can quickly be allocated, so please consider making a donation in the first few days of the campaign.

Please help us to make the most out of Grow Your Tenner by setting up a monthly Direct Debit donation through Localgiving today.

After your first six donations, the following six donations will be matched, providing us with over £200 in funding, including Gift Aid.


Your kind donation will help us to continue to offer the work we do in the community on energy efficiency, climate change, single-use plastics, providing advice to individuals and households through home energy surveys, putting on a programme of talks and films and seeking to influence government local and national.  Your donation will truly be appreciated.

We are a group of volunteers with no paid staff.  We need to pay for room hire, print costs, display and IT equipment, insurance etc. We are reliant on donations.

Regular monthly donations contribute to our running costs and help us to plan ahead, helping to ensure our future sustainability.

Please donate to us here:

Thank you for your support!