The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) advises the government on emissions targets and reports to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. See their website
The Climate Change Act of 2008 committed the Government to a reduction of at least 80% in carbon emissions by 2050. This is desperately important – the signs of advancing climate chaos are all around us, especially extreme weather.
In June 2018 the Committee published its latest progress report to Parliament which makes disturbing reading. Excellent progress in reducing emissions from electricity generation masks failure in other sectors including transport, industry, buildings, agriculture and waste. The report has four very clear messages to Government to put emissions reductions on track:
- Support the simple, low-cost options – onshore wind and solar, efficiency in buildings (especially insulation rates), tree planting (rates are two-thirds lower than they need to be) and recycling food waste.
- End the chopping and changing of policy – including the cancellation of zero carbon homes, on which Energy Alton has lobbied the Government
- Commit to effective regulation and strict enforcement
- Act now on longer term options such as floating offshore wind and heat pumps
These messages are put clearly in the Committee’s infographic which can be found here CCC-2018-Progress-Report-Infographic-1
Energy Alton will continue to lobby our MP Damian Hinds and take every opportunity to influence central government policy, e.g. by responding to relevant consultations.