The audience of around 120 burst into spontaneous applause after the screening of the film ‘Tomorrow’ at Alton Maltings on Friday 22 March. Energy Alton, The Alton Society and the Alton Local Food Initiative (ALFI) joined forces to present a free showing of this inspirational film with its powerful positive message. Although the theme is climate change it doesn’t dwell on the disasters waiting in the wings, but what communities around the world are achieving to lessen the dangers.
‘Tomorrow’ starts by telling us how urgently we need to act if we are to create resilience for future generations, focussing on alternative approaches to farming, economics, energy generation and education. It is a call to arms encouraging local communities around the world to change the way they live for the sake of our planet and our future.
Many of the global examples could be implemented in Alton, and all three groups are keen to attract more volunteers.
Melissa Pritchard from ALFI was quick to answer a request for more vegetable plots around the town “yes, we can certainly do that, when we have more pairs of hands. You don’t even need to have gardening experience, just enthusiasm and a willingness to get your hands dirty. ALFI volunteers usually meet at the plots monthly but just a few hours here and there would be brilliant”.
John Hubbard from Energy Alton was casting his eyes over the audience for willing hands to explore the feasibility of setting up a Repair Café. “Farnham have a monthly one and we’re keen to emulate their success. They are coming over to Alton to tell us all about it on Wednesday evening May 15th. It was triggered by the need to establish a circular economy that ensures used products don’t end up in landfill.”
Lastly, Bob Booker from The Alton Society highlighted their work, notably monitoring and commenting on planning applications and maintaining all that’s lovely in Flood Meadows. “Come and talk to us if you have just a little spare time, great ideas and/or willing hands. We’d love to hear from you”.
Eleanor Hill from Energy Alton summed up the mood: “It is easy to feel helpless when confronted by the scale of the environmental crisis that we currently face. But the film provided a much-needed boost to the lively audience on how, by working with others, we can achieve so much more. Do contact us via our website, or talk to us at our stall at the craft market on Saturday 13th April to find out what we can do as individuals and in groups, share your ideas or volunteer to help with our various projects”.
The three groups are now discussing next steps. They plan to talk to local councillors and our MP, to explore further action.