Six ideas for influencing public opinion and policy-makers

These suggested actions are steps towards making policy makers aware of the strength of public opinion. It can feel quite daunting if you are new to this. Don’t feel you have to complete all six of them.  Some are about developing your own thoughts, and some are about influencing others. 

Send us your own ideas at

  1. Watch this 10-minute TED talk by Greta Thunberg (in 2018) giving us all a “call to action”. We think she’s amazing.
  1. Make a note of 1- 3 things that worry you most about how our country is failing to tackle climate change – and why you are concerned.
  • Do you have any experiences or stories that illustrate your concerns?
  • How do these concerns make you feel (e.g. angry, sad, impotent)
  1. Join or link up with a national or international movement that is influencing governments. At Energy Alton, we are linking with the Campaign against Climate Change,, which has lots of useful information, but there are many other organisations to choose from.
    • You may wish to consider joining a political party – any political party – so that you can influence its plans to tackle climate change from within
  1. Use your own social media channels to raise awareness of the urgency of the climate crisis – and what you are doing about it. Campaigns such as #MeToo have had a huge impact on the public and policy-makers and demonstrate the power of social media.
  1. Write to or email your MP. Our local MP is Damian Hinds.  You can email him directly at  Always include your full name and postal address so that he knows the message is from one of his constituents.
    • You’ll have the most impact if you say in your own words what concerns you and why, especially adding specific experiences from your own life. If you ask a question, the recipient has to respond.
    • The Campaign against Climate Change has a section about lobbying MPs, including words for a template letter
  1. Pat yourself on the back for taking action
    • Taking action on climate change is for the common good – it does not bring any immediate rewards. But you will be making a difference to the lives of future generations who have to live on this unique planet.


Please consider one last action: send copies of your emails, letters and replies, to and from policy-makers to Energy Alton at . It makes a real difference to our energy and determination if we know others are taking action as well. Thank you for your time, effort and commitment. And well done!